Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
Under contract with the District of Columbia Department of Health/HASTA,
SMTCCAC, Inc., administered the Housing Opportunities for Persons with
AIDS, also known as HOPWA. This program is restricted to the service area of
the county of Calvert. Fourteen residents living with AIDS received assistance
with their monthly rent under this program. The families/individuals were only
responsible for using 30% of their income for rent and utilities. The HOPWA
program covered the difference, a total of $102,151.
Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
Tenant Based Rental Assistance
The Tenant Based Rental Assistance program is a rental program designed to assist households with
their housing expenses, while they focus on becoming self-sufficient. The program is able to assist
families by providing assistance with security deposits and rental subsidies for up to 24 months.
For more information contact us at
Email: HOPWA@smtccac.org
Phone: 301-274-4474
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